Launch of KPA Central Branch Website and Portal Workshop



DATE: February 1, 2020


Goals and Objectives

Members will be able to demonstrate competencies in knowledge, skills, and attitudes of an effective evaluation and caring for culturally diverse patients with hyperlipidemia in the primary care setting.

Medical Knowledge

Members will:

Describe the evidence-based aspects of national guidelines for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk assessment and management.

List the clinical information required to provide an individual patient with an estimate of their cardiovascular risk.

List elements of lifestyle modification in hyperlipidemia patients.

Describe the benefits and risk associated with statin therapy.

Patient Care

Members will:

Perform and interpret cardiovascular risk assessments for individual patients

Develop management plans, including health education and behavioral change strategies, for patients with high cholesterol, following national clinical practice guidelines.

Counsel patients on how to reduce cardiovascular risk through lifestyle changes.

Assess individual patients for determinants of health related to their personal background and understanding of illness.

Interpersonal and Communication Skills

Members will:

Demonstrate awareness of improved health outcomes through effective communication with patients.

Demonstrate sensitivity to human differences and understanding of the impact of the social determinants of health (such as gender, ethnic, cultural background, socioeconomic and other social factors).

Practice Based Learning

Members will:

Use information technology to access medical information and support self-education and clinical decision making.

Critically review the medical literature regarding recent evidence-based clinical trials and their implications for the evolution of treatment guidelines.

Use information technology to access medical information and support self-education and clinical decision making.


Members will:

Demonstrate professionalism by actively participating and answering questions during the assigned period.

Systems Based Practice

Members will:

Demonstrate awareness of practicing cost-effective health care and resource allocation that does not compromise quality of care.